Posts in Therapy
Self-Worth, A Worthy Cause

Many of us are conditioned from a young age to seek approval and validation from external sources. We are praised for good grades, for accomplishments at work, or for getting the most likes on a Tik Tok video. The issue arises when our grades dip, we lose our job, or our next video doesn’t get nearly as many likes. When our sense of self-worth is tied solely to external factors, we may find ourselves giving way to a decrease in self-esteem, and paying close attention to a powerful inner critic voice that has developed. Over time, this can impact the kinds of challenges we are willing to take, the relationships that we may choose to enter and stay in, and our overall satisfaction with our lives and ourselves…

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Dear Exhausted Parents... An Open Letter of Validation

Dear Exhausted Parents,

I see you. I see you carrying the weight of all the world’s issues on your shoulders.

You are grieving. Everyone you know is grieving.

We are all suffering from loss right now in different ways. Some are mourning the loss of their daily work/school/life routines. Some are missing loved ones in quarantine. Some have had to deal with illness or death in their very own households. Many are out of work and suffering from economic hardship. Racial injustice continues at a time when equality is needed more than ever. Access to healthcare is challenging and unaffordable. Loved ones with special needs may have difficulty accessing services. Celebrations and traditions have been placed on hold or modified. This is an unprecedented time of individual and communal loss.

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